Position: Professor/Research Director, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research and Dept. of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway
Cand. real. (M.Sc.) degree in marine geology, Univ. of Bergen, 1981.
Dr. scient. (Ph.D.) degree in marine geology, Univ. of Bergen, 1984.
1981-1985 Research assistant (stipendiat), Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Bergen.
1985-1993 Assistant/associate professor in Marine Geology, Univ. of Bergen.
1993 – Full Professor in Marine Geology, Univ. of Bergen
1990-2000 Senior adjunct.scientist Nansen Env. and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen
2000- Director Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Scientific Profile
Eystein Jansen is professor of marine geology at the University of Bergen, Research director of the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, and a member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences, The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) and the Norwegian Academy of Polar Sciences. Jansen has 22 years of post doctoral research experience in various aspects of marine climates, geochemistry and oceanography. He is the author or co-author of more than 90 scientific papers, and is specially known for research on reconstructing the past behaviour of the thermohaline circulation and rapid climate change. Jansen has been chief scientist of multi-national research cruises within the Ocean Drilling Program and IMAGES. From 2003 he is co-chair of the Pages/CLIVAR intersection panel and meets in the Scientific Steering Committee of PAGES. Jansen was co-ordinating lead author for the Paleoclimate chapter in IPCC 4th Assesment Report.
From 2002 the Bjerknes Centre under his directorship has been designated a national centre of excellence, awarded by the Noregian Research Council for 10 years.