The following conditions for the publication of proceedings from individual sessions during the 33rd International Geological Congress (33IGC) must be fulfilled:
- The publication must use a referee system of high, international standard.
- A proper reference to the publication and, if applicable, an electronic link is sent to the 33IGC Secretary General immediately after publication, for display on the 33IGC website. Email: [email protected].
- The following 33IGC disclaimer must be clearly printed in the publication after the title page or section title before any texts: “This publication was presented at the 33rd International Geological Congress (33IGC, August 6-14, 2008, in Oslo, Norway. However, its content does not necessarily represent the policy of the International Geological Congress or endorsement by the Organising Committee.”
- In addition to the correct reference to the journal of publication, the following should be part of the reference for each article: “Paper presented at the 33rd International Geological Congress (33IGC), Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August, 2008 “.
- The 33IGC logo must be clearly visible with any other logos (if there is joint sponsoring), preferably on the cover page of the proceeding, or, alternatively on the first page inside the cover. In addition to the logo, the following text should be added: “Papers presented in symposium <Code and Name of the symposium> at the 33rd International Geological Congress (33IGC), Oslo, Norway, 6-14 August, 2008 “.
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